We would like to show you the average *gross wages and salaries in "Euro" for the following specialist professions in Germany as follows
► Medical professions
► For doctors
Doctor: 6,620.00
Chief physician: 6,750.00
Specialist – general surgery: 6,750.00
Specialist - general medicine (family doctor): 6,620.00
Specialist – anesthesiology: 6,750.00
Specialist – Anatomy: 6,750.00
Specialist – occupational medicine: 6,750.00
Specialist – ophthalmology: 6,750.00
Specialist – biochemistry: 6,750.00
Specialist - pediatric and adolescent medicine: 6,750.00
Specialist – Urology: 6,750.00
Specialist - internal medicine and hematology and oncology: 6,750.00
Medical director (veterinarian): 4,455.00
► For other specialist staff
Hospital pharmacist: 4,939.00
Hospital manager: 3,548.00
Medical assistant: 2,778.00
Midwife: 4,007.00
Laboratory manager: 6,457.00
► For nurses and medical assistants
Ward manager - nursing/elderly/children's nursing: 5,082.00
Nurses: 3,944.00
► For the care nursing staff
Nursing assistant – care for the disabled: 2,991.00
Specialist nurse – hygiene: 4,121.00
Specialist nurse - intensive care/anesthesia: 4,394.00
Specialist nurse - intermediate care: 4,394.00
Specialist nurse - clinical geriatrics: 4,394.00
Specialist nurse – nephrology: 4,394.00
Source: Employment Office Pay Atlas, as of March 2024
Information & comments
The gross salaries listed above are average values. Depending on the employer and the qualifications of the employee, the gross salaries can also be significantly higher!
Most employers pay additional holiday pay and Christmas bonuses once a year. Holiday pay is around 70% of gross salary. The Christmas bonus is between 35 and 45% of gross salary. Both are taxable!
The gross salaries listed above do not include
► Shift allowances
► Hazard allowances
► Weekend and holiday work
The employer must deduct the following statutory taxes from the gross salary and pay them to the relevant recipient
► Taxes (German tax office)
► Health insurance. Health insurance is mandatory for all groups of people in Germany. (German Health Insurance Fund)
► Pension insurance (German Pension Fund)
► Nursing care insurance (German long-term care insurance fund)
► Unemployment insurance (German unemployment insurance fund)
All information is subject to change and without guarantee!
Below you can calculate your net salary yourself using an online calculator. Simply click on the Gross - Net Online Calculator button!